1 June 2022 – New Deadline for Amending the Housing Element and Spending Plan as required by the 14 June 2021 Agreement
Here is the document the Borough Council must amend by June 1:
Please note that the amendment will require a special meeting of the Planning Board, because it has cancelled both May meetings.
Below is the document Jonathan Drill used to create that June 1 deadline only after he had misled Borough residents on an April 6 Zoom, falsely claiming that the Council must name and sign a developer by June 1:
24 June 2022 – 1:30 pm – Virtual Hearing on Compliance with the 14 June 2021 Agreement:
At that 24 June hearing, the Judge is expected to decide whether or not the Borough has fulfilled its obligations under the agreement of 14 June 2021 and should be allowed to retain its immunity from builder’s remedy lawsuits until 1 July 2025.
For the Zoom link, contact Jonathan Drill, [email protected], by 22 June.
For copies of the implementing documents, contact Acting Clerk Steve Williams at 973-635-0674 or [email protected].
1 July 2025 – End of Borough’s Immunity from Builder’s Remedy Lawsuits – Fourth Round Begins