Do you like Chatham’s small town quality of life?
Or would you prefer to see our leafy little town transformed into yet another crowded NJ city?
That’s the choice you’ll make when you cast your vote for Chatham Borough Council members this fall.
If you’d like to see Chatham turned into a densely populated city, then you’ll vote for incumbent Council member Karen Koronkiewicz.

You can count on Karen to try to turn Chatham into a city. She recently voted to sacrifice 100% of our public parking at Post Office Plaza so a rich developer could build a 100-unit, commercial/retail housing project that would have clogged up our streets, and cost taxpayers heaven only knows how much. [Check out Option #2 at]
A vote for Karen is a vote to turn Chatham into another crowded NJ city.

Would you prefer to preserve our small town quality of life? Then you’ll vote for incumbent Council President Irene Treloar.
Irene resisted intense pressure to go along with Karen’s overdevelopment scheme. On May 2, she voted to substitute a modest, 15-unit apartment house, fulfilling our need for affordable housing without destroying what we love about Chatham. [Check out Option #3 at]
You can either vote for Irene alone, or cast your second vote for one of the other candidates on the ballot.
Either way, your vote this November will send a powerful message to the Mayor & Council about your vision for the future of Chatham Borough.
Here’s the result: