Monthly Archives: July 2024

How did this happen? Find out on August 12th!

“It was not a sham vote,” insisted Chatham Mayor Carolyn Dempsey at the July 8th Council meeting.

That was the Mayor’s reaction to proof that the Council had voted on a property tax proposal one week after a Borough lawyer notified the Tax Board that the Council had decided not to pursue that proposal.

Curious how that happened? Want to support your Mayor & Council? Just like to be in-the-know?

Come to the next Council meeting, which is set for Monday August 12, 7:30 pm, at Borough Hall, 54 Fairmount Avenue. Use the side door and take the elevator to the upper level.

Can’t be there that night? Attend on Zoom.

Who did this?

Who told the Borough tax lawyer to call off the rollin reassessment at least a week before the Council voted on it?

“It was not a sham vote,” insisted the Mayor, saying she wasn’t aware of the discrepancy until two weeks later, when Bob Weber showed proof at the 7/8 Council meeting.

Now the Mayor needs to find out who made that call behind her back and let us residents know.