Would you like to see a convenience store/gas station in Chatham’s Main Street Historic District?

Should our Zoning Board waive the normal rules to allow that?* **
Come to the public Zoning Board hearing.
December 20, 7:30 pm, at Chatham Borough Hall, 54 Fairmount Avenue, upper level.
What’s this all about?
The new owner of the Exxon station on Main Street hopes to add a convenience store that’s inconsistent with our Borough Zoning laws.. To go ahead, he must convince the Zoning Board that adding that store would be good for Chatham.***
The applicant operates a similar gas/convenience store that’s open 24/7 just over the border in Summit. 18 County Rd 649 – Google Maps

The main difference is that the Shell/7-Eleven on River Road has a brick facade, instead of the vinyl siding the applicant plans for the TigerMart on Chatham’s Main Street.
By keeping long hours – often all night – convenience stores average 1,400 transactions per day, and most patrons (65%) consume their purchases on the spot. “Litter can be a significant challenge,” notes the trade association that advocates for the industry. @

The Exxon proposal for Chatham would also involve chopping down at least one 20 ft Douglas Fir tree and adding a bigger sign that lights up.** https://ecode360.com/33846367#33846367. https://ecode360.com/6793659

How would a place like that affect Chatham’s historic district or the value of nearby homes on or near Hillside Avenue?

Come to the public hearing, postponed yet again to November 15, 7:30 pm, at Chatham Borough Hall, 54 Fairmount Avenue, upper level.
That is your chance to get the facts, ask questions, make comments, and show you care about your town.
If you cannot be there in person, you can Zoom or call in. You’ll find the directions by clicking on the Zoning Board Meeting to be posted on the Borough calendar:
The Zoning Board has announced that there will be no further official notice of this proposed project.
* Details about the 0.59-acre property, block 122/lot 2: https://njparcels.com/property/1404/122/2
** Exactly what is the applicant proposing to build? To see the complete application, visit the Clerk’s office at Borough Hall, 54 Main Street or click on “Agenda Packet” for the Zoning Board at this link: https://chathamborough.granicus.com/ViewPublisher.php?view_id=1
Or download the basic application (no exhibits or supporting documents):
*** What does the applicant need to prove? https://chathamborough.org/boards/zone
Want more detail? Look at these files:
Any similar situations?
@ Source: “Convenience Stores and Their Communities,” published April 2019 by National Association of Convenience Stores, accessed August 5, 2023 at https://www.lilanduseandzoning.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/128/2020/01/How-Stores-Work.pdf