Tag Archives: traffic

Free at Last!

Kudos to every Borough resident who cared enough to share his or her thoughts with the Zoning Board – or at least show up for Chatham Borough – about a bid to waive 19 zoning laws to add a convenience store to the gas station at the chaotic intersection of Main Street and Hillside Avenue.

You are the heart and soul of this small town.

On May 30, our Borough Zoning Board granted that application, unwittingly nudging the Borough one step further toward becoming a gritty little city.

Next: What are the options for River Road?

Our new Mayor hopes a big real estate developer will help Chatham fix up the land along the Passaic River for free!


But to get that “free” help, what would we need to sacrifice in lower quality of life, more traffic, pollution, crowded schools, higher municipal and school costs?

And is it really “free” if in return we must grant the developer a PILOT tax exemption, causing higher property taxes for the rest of us?

Shall we plunge ahead on blind faith or shall we first do our due diligence?