Tag Archives: Chatham Borough

The big lie: Myths about future development at River Road

You’ve heard what the politicians always like to say:

To get any control over what gets built at River Road, we need a redevelopment plan, they insist.

Unless we have a redevelopment plan, the developers can build whatever they want, they wail, evoking the specter of towering , tacky, monstrosities.

But is that true? No.

Absent a redevelopment plan, any new, private development is subject to many federal, state, and local requirements, including plenty of Borough building, affordable housing, and zoning regulations that apply all over town, and some that apply to the Gateway Overlay Districts of River Road in particular.

For a new, private project at River Road, those requirements include the following detailed rules that set strict standards for almost every aspect of a development:

Affordable Housing §69-4A: https://ecode360.com/27401603#31809708

Land Development §165: https://ecode360.com/29899377#29899377

Gateway Overlay District 1 §165-35: https://ecode360.com/6793137?highlight=sidewall&searchId=5252782375618825#29899351

Prohibited: §165-5: https://ecode360.com/6792677#6792677

Health §274-§308: https://ecode360.com/11763943#11763943

Fire Code §136 https://ecode360.com/6792430#6792430

Keep that in mind next time someone tries to tell you that – unless we adopt a redevelopment plan – the developer “can build whatever he wants” or that adopting another plan is “the only way to control what happens at River Road.”

No explanation at all

At their August 12 meeting, the Mayor & Council invited a Borough tax lawyer to address a mystery:

Why had the lawyer called off a property tax proposal, claiming in writing that “the Borough Council has decided not to proceed with the request this year,” when, in fact, the Council would not even vote on the matter for another week?

https://chathamborough.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=1&clip_id=256 starting around 2:06:00, and reported at https://www.tapinto.net/towns/chatham/categories/news/articles/chatham-residents-question-whether-borough-council-vote-on-rolling-reassessment-was-a-sham-vote-after-letter-revealed

The lawyer must have had some reason for saying that. Instead of revealing the reason, he seemed determined to fall on his sword, claiming full responsibility for the debacle. “It is my fault,” he insisted. “I just should have said that the Governing Body has not yet given me that authorization.”

So, why didn’t the tax lawyer say that? Why did he tell the Tax Board otherwise? The Mayor & Council never asked that key question, and the lawyer never volunteered an explanation.

https://chathamborough.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=1&clip_id=256 reported at https://www.tapinto.net/towns/chatham/articles/chatham-borough-tax-lawyer-offers-mea-culpa-for-canceling-hearing-that-preceded-sham-vote-on-rolling-reassessment-plan;

When will the Mayor & Borough Council get to the bottom of this situation and reveal what prompted the lawyer to notify the Tax Board that the Council had decided something, when in fact it had not?

When will the Mayor & Council tell us what they’re doing to make sure nothing of the sort ever happens again?

How did this happen? Find out on August 12th!

“It was not a sham vote,” insisted Chatham Mayor Carolyn Dempsey at the July 8th Council meeting.

That was the Mayor’s reaction to proof that the Council had voted on a property tax proposal one week after a Borough lawyer notified the Tax Board that the Council had decided not to pursue that proposal. https://chathamchoice.org/2024/07/who-did-this/

Curious how that happened? Want to support your Mayor & Council? Just like to be in-the-know?

Come to the next Council meeting, which is set for Monday August 12, 7:30 pm, at Borough Hall, 54 Fairmount Avenue. Use the side door and take the elevator to the upper level.

Can’t be there that night? Attend on Zoom. https://www.chathamborough.org/resident/calendar/mayor-council-meeting-13-1723505400

Who did this?

Who told the Borough tax lawyer to call off the rollin reassessment at least a week before the Council voted on it?


“It was not a sham vote,” insisted the Mayor, saying she wasn’t aware of the discrepancy until two weeks later, when Bob Weber showed proof at the 7/8 Council meeting.

Now the Mayor needs to find out who made that call behind her back and let us residents know.



What’s up with the so-called “visioning workshop” the Mayor & Council have set for next Thursday, June 27, from 7 to 9 pm, at Borough Hall, 54 Fairmount Avenue?

They’re testing public support for a plan to build 500 more rental apartments on River Road, near the 245-unit Ivy project at the corner of River and Watchung.

To achieve that, they would offer developers a 30-year property tax break, prompting them to build even if the market is weak, and forcing us taxpayers to assume the risk that the rents won’t keep up with rising municipal costs.

The alternative is for the Borough Council to wait and see if the River Road property owners choose to build more apartments without a tax break.

Under current zoning, they could conceivably build 700 new flats there tomorrow.

But, left to their own devices, property owners may not build any more apartments on River Road anytime soon. Not unless, until, and to the extent they (and their lenders) think they can get rents high enough to pay regular property taxes and still make a nice profit.

That may not happen for many years – if ever – given current interest rates,.the 245-unit Ivy project sitting half empty next door and big apartment buildings springing up all over the state.

Under the circumstances, should the Borough Council panic and plunge ahead with a scheme to burden River Road with a second massive apartment project that may or may not produce enough revenue to cover Borough costs?

Or might it be wiser to wait and see how many more apartments the market can support at River Road?

(Either way, any new apartments will be at least 15% -20% affordable, and – contrary to what overdevelopment advocates would have you believe – the developer certainly won’t give the Borough a riverside park – or anything else – for “free.”)

Before making any plans for River Road, the Council needs to identify all the options, evaluate and compare the risks and benefits in light of market conditions and the effects on the Borough – both financial and in quality of life.


There are many different ways to meet state mandated affordable housing obligations, but unless the Mayor & Council get a jump on the deadlines, their options will be severely limited.

That’s why the Mayor has scheduled a public workshop for June 27: to let the public have its say before unveiling her plans.

Are the Mayor & Council taking the steps necessary to get a good result for the Borough?

Ask them!

  1. Are you are investigating lower-density, environmentally superior options, like converting existing market rate apartments to affordable ones?
  2. If not, why not? What are you waiting for?
  3. Are you unaware that waiting means forfeiting options?
  4. Are you unaware that if you procrastinate too long, we’ll be forced to accept more huge projects like the Ivy – or even bigger.
  5. If you’re resigned to accepting more big projects, what are you doing to make sure we get a better deal this time?

Here are the deadlines facing the Mayor & Council (additions and corrections welcome):

03/31/24 – Deadline for the developer BNE to file the Periodic Report on Total Project Costs, due within 90 days of Substantial Completion under the terms of the December 2023 financial (PILOT) agreement for the Ivy at River Road

05/01/24 – Deadline for the Borough to bill the developer of the Ivy apartment project on River Road for the second quarterly payment of the annual property tax substitute known as a Payment In Lieu of Taxes (PILOT), which was unpaid as of 06/10/2024

06/18/24 – Deadline for the Borough to report non-residential fees collected for the Affordable Housing Trust Fund

06/30/24 – Deadline for the Borough to submit to the Morris County Superior Court and Fair Share Housing Center a quarterly report on the progress of the 15-unit, 100% affordable project to be built on Bowers Lane in Post Office Plaza

08/01/24 – Deadline for the Borough to bill the developer of the Ivy apartment project on River Road for the third quarterly payment of the annual property tax substitute known as a Payment In Lieu of Taxes (PILOT), which has gone unpaid as of 06/10/2024

09/16/24 – Deadline for the Borough to report residential fees collected for the Affordable Housing Trust Fund

09/30/24 – Deadline for the Borough to submit to the Superior Court and Fair Share Housing Center a quarterly report on the progress of the 15-unit, 100% affordable project to be built on Bowers Lane in Post Office Plaza

10/20/24 – Deadline for the state to announce the Borough’s affordable housing quota for Fourth Round 2025-2035

11/01/24 – Deadline for the Borough to bill the developer of the Ivy apartment project on River Road for the quarterly payment of the annual property tax substitute known as a Payment In Lieu of Taxes (PILOT), which had gone unpaid as of 06/10/2024

12/31/24 – Deadline for the Borough to submit to the Superior Court and Fair Share Housing Center a quarterly report on the progress of the 15-unit, 100% affordable project to be built on Bowers Lane in Post Office Plaza

01/31/25 – Deadline for the Borough to adopt a resolution accepting an affordable housing quota for Fourth Round 2025-2035

02/28/25 – Deadline for “interested parties” to challenge the Borough’s Fourth Round 2025-2035 affordable housing quota in a new dispute resolution program

03/31/25 – Deadline for the IVY developer BNE to submit the Auditor’s Report to the Borough and DCA

03/31/25 – Deadline for the Borough to begin construction of the 15-unit, 100% affordable apartment project on Bowers Lane in Post Office Plaza.

03/31/25 – Deadline for the Borough to submit to the Superior Court and Fair Share Housing Center a quarterly report on the progress of the 15-unit, 100% affordable project to be built on Bowers Lane in Post Office Plaza

06/30/25 – Deadline for the Borough to file its Housing Element & Fair Share Plan, including a new showing that it’s consistent with state policy on development and redevelopment

08/31/25 – Deadline for challenges to the Borough’s Housing Element

12/31/25 – Deadline for the Borough to settle challenges to its Housing Element or explain why it won’t make the changes requested

03/15/26 – Deadline for the Borough to adopt any and all the ordinances, rezoning, and redevelopment areas required by the Housing Element

03/31/26 – Deadline for the Borough to get a Certificate of Occupancy on the 15-unit, 100% affordable project on Bowers Lane in Post Office Plaza

09/26/26 – Expiration of the Borough Third Round immunity from builders’ remedy lawsuits and exclusionary zoning challenges



NJ League of Municipalities: https://www.njlm.org/civicalerts.aspx?aid=2924

Higher property taxes?

Did your property taxes increase last year?

Did you know that the Borough Council is considering revaluing your property EVERY YEAR from now on?

That’s the plan, announced at the last Borough Council meeting.

Why would they do that?

Is there any advantage for residents?

How much will it cost?

Don’t guess. Get the facts.

7:30 pm, this Monday, June 10, 2024

Borough Hall, 54 Fairmount Avenue. (Use the side door. Take the elevator to the Upper Loevel)

Free at Last!

Kudos to every Borough resident who cared enough to share his or her thoughts with the Zoning Board – or at least show up for Chatham Borough – about a bid to waive 19 zoning laws to add a convenience store to the gas station at the chaotic intersection of Main Street and Hillside Avenue.

You are the heart and soul of this small town.

On May 30, our Borough Zoning Board granted that application, unwittingly nudging the Borough one step further toward becoming a gritty little city.

About last night

NEW Revised HEARING DATE: May 30, 2024, 7:00 pm, Borough Hall, 54 Fairmount Avenue.

Imagine this: You’re a rich NJ gasoline distributor who owns more than 70 gas stations. You aim to get even richer by adding a busy convenience store to the Exxon station at the already congested, chaotic, and dangerous intersection of Main Street and Hillside Avenue.

You can’t add that convenience store unless you and your army of paid experts can persuade at least 5 members of the Chatham Borough Zoning Board to waive 19 laws to allow it. What do you do?

You do what the rich gas distributor did at last night’s Zoning Board meeting: Have his lawyer cap off his case with helpful testimony by Chatham’s very own traffic expert, who is paid by taxpayers.

That’s right. Last night, the big gas distributor called the Board’s traffic expert in to testify. The Zoning Board permitted residents to question him, but not to question the distributor’s own paid traffic expert, who was allowed to chime in from time to time with impunity.

Rest assured that this is not over. Not yet.

Before the Board votes on this proposal, the public will have a chance to express their views about adding a busy convenience store to an already congested, chaotic, and dangerous intersection. At the end of that session, the Board will hold an up or down vote.

Please seize this opportunity to show you care, get the facts, and have your say. Or at least hear what your neighbors have to say about this radical change.

Come to the public comment session on May 30, 7:00 pm (yes, that’s 7:00) at Borough Hall, 54 Fairmount Avenue. Enter by the side door. Take the elevator to the upper level.

More cars zipping in and out of the Exxon parking lot won’t be a problem for drivers, pedestrians, or cyclists, right?

April Fools!

This April 16, come on down to Borough Hall to hear from the traffic expert the new Exxon owner has paid to convince our Zoning Board there’s no harm in adding a busy convenience store to the gas station at the already chaotic corner of Main Street and Hillside Avenue.*

April 16, 7:30 pm, Borough Hall, 54 Fairmount Avenue, Chatham. (Use the side entrance and take the elevator to the Upper Level.) https://www.chathamborough.org/

Crack it up at Hillside & Main

Will the Board vote that night? It’s possible.

This could be your last chance to get the facts and have your say before they make their final decision.

April 16, 7:30 pm, Borough Hall, 54 Fairmount Avenue, Chatham. (Use the side entrance and take the elevator to the Upper Level.) https://www.chathamborough.org/

6 River Road, Summit, NJ

*The author has elected to abstain from participating in or voting on this matter in her capacity as an alternate member of the Historic Preservation Commission.