Last November 11, our Borough Council commissioned a draft Redevelopment Plan for a massive, 500-unit apartment project on River Road, next to the huge, 245-unit Ivy complex.
Since then, it’s come to light that the new project would be risky for Chatham Borough in at least three ways, as follows:

First, this new River Road project is NOT required by affordable housing law, and it will NOT help fulfill the Borough’s new affordable housing RDP quota either. The new apartments allowed under the Plan would be in addition to what’s needed to satisfy that quota.
Go to minute 1:31:00 here:
Second, the supposed risk associated with NOT adopting that 500-apartment Redevelopment Plan for River Road is totally imaginary.
The Council President insists that, absent the new Plan, current zoning would allow private property owners to develop up to 707 new apartments on River Road and the Borough would have NO say in the matter. Scary but not true.
In fact, about 40% of the Redevelopment Area is Borough-owned. Private developers can’t touch it without the Council’s consent.
The part of the Redevelopment area that’s privately-owned is dozens of small lots, all subject to many federal, state, and local rules and regulations.
As such, the owners wouldn’t be able to squeeze in more than a few apartments without first jumping through many hoops, including getting Borough approval to merge lots.
Third, if the Council tries to prevent such private development by adopting a Plan, we’ll actually end up with far more apartments on River Road. That’s because a rental Plan would have to provide for at least 500 new apartments – more than twice the number at the Ivy.
The reason the new Plan would have to be that big is to satisfy the legal requirement that it must provide for at least 75 affordable units, which must be at least 15% of the project.
Fifteen percent affordable is also the usual ceiling for developers of rental projects. So to induce a redeveloper to provide the minimum 75 affordable rental units, the Council would have to permit construction of a 500-unit project, compared to the 245-units now at the Ivy.
Fourth, our Mayor & Council are well aware that the Redevelopment Plan would allow construction of 500 apartments. They heard it directly from Borough Planner Fran Reiner last March. Go to minute 1:06:00 here:
But some of them don’t seem to realize that such a Plan would also almost inevitably involve giving the redeveloper a total PILOT exemption from paying property taxes, same as the Ivy.
Fifth, to get the redeveloper to throw in a “free” riverside park and other so-called “amenities,” the Borough Council would have to accept an even worse a deal for residents and taxpayers. They’ll probably give away Borough land, allow the redeveloper to build extra stories, grant the redeveloper an even more lavish PILOT tax exemption.
Before spending any more time or money on another Redevelopment Plan for River Road, our Mayor & Council need to tell us how they would avoid getting stuck with a huge, 500-unit rental project that would clog up our roads, and would almost certainly demand an exemption from property taxes the rest of us must pay.