Please share with friends around the state:
The dominant political party in Trenton is trying to rush through a state law that would trigger even more reckless overdevelopment, by overriding most local control of zoning and allowing big builders to gobble up almost every town, building many more huge, high-density apartment blocks – against your wishes and at your expense.
Only you can stop this calamity. So please, drop everything. Take a moment to tell your state senator and representative to “Vote no on bill A4/S50.”
It’s easy and takes less than a minute. Simply enter your address here: https://www.njleg.state.nj.us/district-map or use the drop down menu to find your town here: https://www.njleg.state.nj.us/legislative-roster
Also please recruit friends around the state to help contact these powerful state Senators:
What the heck is this all about? For the background, click here:
If you prefer something more concise, click here: https://www.rosenet.org/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=477&fbclid=IwAR22WIvg2auIHH8e4E-e2ltTwDt-Hjkl__HL7N9DdePXQ8EJxP_gRBMnIeY